czwartek, 19 lutego 2009

Uderzyła go!/How could she slap him?!

Proszę państwa, to historia prawdziwa. Zdarzyła się w reality show o nazwie DADA GIRL WAR ZONE, produkowanym przez Bindass TV, słynącą z różnych ciekawych show. W programie chodzi, oczywiście o wygranie dużych pieniędzy. Ale zanim to nastąpi, uczestnicy są, delikatnie mówiąc, źle traktowani. Nie, nie, nie torturowani, ale poziom okrucieństwa - głównie słownego - jest wysoki. Kobiecą liderką jest tu postać niezwykle barwna, co jednak, niestety, nie oznacza, że odzwierciedla ona cechy przeciętnej hinduskiej kobiety. Bo demoniczna Esha pochodzi z rodziny milionerów. Najlepiej opisuje ją jej ulubione powiedzenie: I'm hot, you're not. Najwyraźniej nie lubi mężczyzn o brzydkich twarzach i tych źle ubranych. Nie przepuści okazji, by posiadaczowi cienkiego portfela i kiepskiego gustu, niezdrowej cery i krzywych zębów powiedzieć wprost o tym za jakiego wieśniaka go uważa. A największą przyjemność sprawia jej dawanie w twarz brzydkim mężczyznom. Cóż, niektórzy oddają.

A poniżej komentarz jednego z przedstawicieli męskiej części społeczeństwa hinduskiego. Znamienny chyba.

And here you have a comment put by one of viewers of this video:

She so deserved to be slapped. Being a professional actress on TV she should know better than to hit a guest on a show, especially if there was no previous script for it. The reaction was completely instinctual also. Two people hitting one another is not even considered legal, it was self defense if anything. As for the male host pushing him to the ground and still hitting him, and having like 20 other people surround him, that's assault folks. At least in my country...

6 komentarzy:

Anonimowy pisze...

Biedny facet! Wyobrazam sobie jak taki policzek moze potraktowac jako przytyk co do swojej meskosci. Zreszta co to w ogole za zachowanie, bic gosci swojego show po twarzy? Czy w jakiejkolwiek kulturze jest to zachowanie uznane za normalne? Co sie z tym mezczyzna potem stalo? Wyladowal na policji, dlatego ze panienki tatus ma jakies uklady? (wiem, teoretyzuje, ale to scenariusz nadzwyczaj czesty w rzeczywistosci indyjskiej).

BLUE pisze...

no, chyba się trochę podłamał, sądząc po tonie głosu. na pewno psycholog telewizyjny się nim zajął:)
i nie sądzę, żeby aż na policji się skończyło, ale do dalszego etapu show (np. do przenoszenia pająków gołymi rękami z jednego pojemnika do drugiego) raczej nie przeszedł...

biplob pisze...

Well, this is a reality show where part of their words is scripted and some parts they have to improvise. I won’t be surprised if later someone figures it out as all being set up as Big brothers. I believe in equal right but the girl has no right to slap this guy. Most gals in India think they can get away with such act because in society you are taught to not hit women and we always nurture soft feelings for women.
I just can’t understand why some other guys started beating this guy up when she has slapped him first. It shows a different side of Indian society where males are too eager to help or show fake generosity towards female. This attitude prevails at every aspect of life, be it in office or in the queue to buy a ticket. Just to gain admiration and may be a chance to get intimate. It’s a silly situation.



BLUE pisze...

Biblop, thanks for commenting:)
Well, I think that these men were just trying to calm him down, as he got furious and aggesive and might hurt the girl. It looks like, but at the end of the video we can hear this poor man crying, so he just broke down and lost control, so he would not hurt anybody I guess. By the way - Esha looks like a strong leader and I was nearly sure that it is here typical way of behaving. And only one person asked if she's ok after the incident, that's strange...
And what do you mean 'to get intimate'?!
And I don't think that situation that a girl hit a man is typical in India. But, yeah, I've seen not to much perhaps.

biplob pisze...

Well I think it’s perhaps impossible to understand the Indian psyche from watching a Reality show. You are right in saying that we don’t see many women hitting men on streets but the story inside a household is different. There are many married guys who go through such situation.
Think of a situation where there is a long queue to buy a train ticket, a girl just arrives from no where wearing some revealing clothes and some guys helped her to get the ticket before others who are standing in the same queue (before the aged ladies standing in the queue).
Intimate or whatever , what I mean was try to win the heart by faking some emotions.
Have you guys watched the "Slumdog Millionaire"?

BLUE pisze...

Really? I wouldn't expect this at all.
Queue - yes, that reminds me some situation, right.
And Slumdog - tommorow:) I'll let you know my impressions. And you are in this part of Indian society that is for Danny Boyle vision or against it?